Source code for oct.utilities.configuration

import os
import json

from oct.core.exceptions import OctConfigurationError



[docs]def configure(project_name, cmd_opts, config_file=None): """Get the configuration of the test and return it as a config object :return: the configured config object :rtype: Object """ if config_file is None: config_file = os.path.join(cmd_opts.project_dir, project_name, 'config.json') try: with open(config_file, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) except ValueError as e: raise OctConfigurationError("Configuration setting failed with error: %s" % e) for key in REQUIRED_CONFIG_KEYS: if key not in config: raise OctConfigurationError("Error: the required configuration key %s is not define" % key) return config
[docs]def configure_for_turret(project_name, config_file): """Load the configuration file in python dict and check for keys that will be set to default value if not present :param project_name str: the name of the project :param config_file str: the path of the configuration file :return: the loaded configuration :rtype: dict """ config = configure(project_name, None, config_file) for key in WARNING_CONFIG_KEYS: if key not in config: print("WARNING: %s configuration key not present, the value will be set to default value" % key) common_config = { 'hq_address': config.get('hq_address', ''), 'hq_publisher': config.get('publish_port', 5000), 'hq_rc': config.get('rc_port', 5001), 'turrets_requirements': config.get('turrets_requirements', []) } configs = [] for turret in config['turrets']: turret.update(common_config) configs.append(turret) return configs