Source code for oct.core.hq

from __future__ import print_function
import zmq
import time
import json
import traceback

[docs]class HightQuarter(object): """The main hight quarter that will receive informations from the turrets and send the start message :param publish_port int: the port for publishing information to turrets :param rc_port int: the result collector port for collecting results from the turrets :param results_writer ResultsWriter: the results writer :param config dict: the configuration of the test """ def __init__(self, publish_port, rc_port, results_writer, config): self.context = zmq.Context() self.poller = zmq.Poller() self.result_collector = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) self.result_collector.bind("tcp://*:{}".format(rc_port)) self.publisher = self.context.socket(zmq.PUB) self.publisher.bind("tcp://*:{}".format(publish_port)) self.poller.register(self.result_collector, zmq.POLLIN) self.results_writer = results_writer self.config = config self.turrets = [] self.started = False # waiting for init sockets print("Warmup") time.sleep(1) def _turret_already_exists(self, turret_data): for t in self.turrets: if turret_data['uuid'] == t.uuid: return True return False def _add_turret(self, turret_data): self.turrets.append(self.results_writer.write_turret(turret_data)) if self.started: self._publish({'command': 'start', 'msg': 'open fire'}) def _update_turret(self, turret_data): for t in self.turrets: if turret_data['uuid'] == t.uuid: t.status = turret_data['status'] break def _publish(self, message, channel=''): data = json.dumps(message) self.publisher.send_string("%s %s" % (channel, data)) def _process_turret_status(self, data): if 'status' in data: if self._turret_already_exists(data): self._update_turret(data) else: self._add_turret(data) return True else: return False
[docs] def wait_turrets(self, wait_for): """Wait until wait_for turrets are connected and ready """ print("waiting for {} turrets to connect".format(wait_for - len(self.turrets))) while len(self.turrets) < wait_for: self._publish({'command': 'status_request', 'msg': None}) socks = dict(self.poller.poll(2000)) if self.result_collector in socks: data = self.result_collector.recv_json() self._process_turret_status(data) print("waiting for {} turrets to connect".format(wait_for - len(self.turrets)))
[docs] def run(self): """Run the hight quarter, lunch the turrets and wait for results """ elapsed = 0 start_time = time.time() self._publish({'command': 'start', 'msg': 'open fire'}) self.started = True display = 'turrets: {}, elapsed: {} transactions: {} timers: {} errors: {}\r' while elapsed <= (self.config['run_time']): try: socks = dict(self.poller.poll(1000)) if self.result_collector in socks: data = self.result_collector.recv_json() if 'status' not in data: self.results_writer.write_result(data) else: self._process_turret_status(data) print(display.format(len(self.turrets), round(elapsed), self.results_writer.trans_count, self.results_writer.timer_count, self.results_writer.error_count), end='') elapsed = time.time() - start_time except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt): print("\nStopping test, sending stop command to turrets") self._publish({'command': 'stop', 'msg': 'premature stop'}) traceback.print_exc() break self._publish({'command': 'stop', 'msg': 'stopping fire'}) print("\n\nProcessing all remaining messages...") self.result_collector.unbind(self.result_collector.LAST_ENDPOINT) try: data = self.result_collector.recv_json(zmq.NOBLOCK) while data: data = self.result_collector.recv_json(zmq.NOBLOCK) if 'status' not in data: self.results_writer.write_result(data) except zmq.Again: self.result_collector.close() self.publisher.close() self.results_writer.write_remaining()