Writing tests


This section will explain how to write tests, but only based on the python turret. But many turrets will have similar implementation

Basic example

Let’s take the default v_user.py file :

from oct_turrets.base import BaseTransaction
from oct_turrets.tools import CustomTimer
import random
import time

class Transaction(BaseTransaction):
    def __init__(self, config):
        super(Transaction, self).__init__(config)

    def setup(self):
        """Setup data or objects here

    def run(self):
        r = random.uniform(1, 2)
        with CustomTimer(self, 'a timer'):

    def tear_down(self):
        """Clear cache or reset objects, etc. Anything that must be done after
        the run method and before its next execution

if __name__ == '__main__':
    trans = Transaction(None)

This raw script will test nothing as it is, so let’s work on this simple use case:

We need to test a basic API over the Internet and we want to use the requests python library.

So first let’s adapt the script to our needs:

import time
import requests
from oct_turrets.base import BaseTransaction

class Transaction(BaseTransaction):
    def __init__(self, config):
        super(Transaction, self).__init__(config)
        # each cannon will only instanciate Transaction once, so each property
        # in the Transaction __init__ method will be set only once so take care if you need to update it
        self.url = "http://my-api/1.0/"

    def run(self):
        # For more detailed results we will setup several custom timers
        with CustomTimer(self, 'Echo service'):
            requests.get(self.url + "echo")

        with CustomTimer(self, 'other-service'):
            requests.get(self.url + "other-service")

So what are we doing here ? We’ve just imported requests and used it in our script. For each service we’ve defined a custom timer to see how much time each one will take to answer.

But how to install the dependencies needed by the turrets ? You can simply update your configuration with something like that :

    "run_time": 30,
    "results_ts_interval": 10,
    "progress_bar": true,
    "console_logging": false,
    "testing": false,
    "publish_port": 5000,
    "rc_port": 5001,
    "min_turrets": 1,
    "turrets": [
        {"name": "navigation", "cannons": 2, "rampup": 0, "script": "test_scripts/v_user.py"},
        {"name": "random", "cannons": 2, "rampup": 0, "script": "test_scripts/v_user.py"}
    "turrets_requirements": [

If you specify the dependecies in the “turrets_requirements” you will be able to install them for each turret by simply runing :

pip install my_turret_package.tar

Setup and Tear down

The previous example is still pretty simple, but you might need things like sessions or cookies. How to manage it knowing that the transaction class will instantiate only once ?

Pretty simple too: we give you two methods in the BaseTransaction class to help you : setup and tear_down

How does it works ? Take a look a this example:

import time
import requests
from oct_turrets.base import BaseTransaction

class Transaction(BaseTransaction):
    def __init__(self, config):
        super(Transaction, self).__init__(config)
        # each cannon will only instanciate Transaction once, so each property
        # in the Transaction __init__ method will be set only once so take care if you need to update it
        self.url = "http://my-api/1.0/"
        self.session = None

    def setup(self):
        self.session = requests.Session()

    def run(self):
        # For more detailed results we will setup several custom timers
        with CustomTimer(self, 'Echo service'):
            self.session.get(self.url + "echo")

        with CustomTimer(self, 'other-service'):
            self.session.get(self.url + "other-service")

    def tear_down(self):

And that’s it ! Before each run iteration, the setup method is called, and you’ve guessed it, tear_down is called after the iteration.


The setup and the tear_down method are not included in the stats sent to the HQ, so the actions will not be included in the scriptrun_time statistic