oct.utilities package

This module provides you basics shell commands to easily use the OCT module.

newproject module

This module provide you a command to create a new project. Once the library is installed you can use :

oct-newproject <project-name>

It will create a new directory named project-name.

The project structure must look like this :

├── config.cfg
├── templates
│   ├── css
│   │   └── style.css
│   ├── footer.html
│   ├── head.html
│   ├── img
│   └── scripts
└── test_scripts
    └── v_user.py

With this basic project structure you can start writing your scripts, customize your templates, etc...

This project can be run with the command

multimech-run <project>

But for test your scripts you can simply run them by using your standard python interpreter

The file config.cfg contain all configuration variables for your project. By default it’s look like this

run_time = 30
rampup = 0
results_ts_interval = 10
progress_bar = on
console_logging = off
xml_report = off
base_url = http://localhost
default_sleep_time = 2
statics_enabled = 1

threads = 3
script = v_user.py

threads = 3
script = v_user.py

For explanations :

This file give you two virtual user groups, each group has 3 users, and the user script is the v_user.py file.

To see all configuration variables explained see the Configuration section

Module doc


run module



This module give you access to the command :

oct-run <project>

This command will run your project using celery. For now the broker can only be configured in source code. It’s bind on a standard rabbitmq server.

The goal of this command is to run the same project in several rabbitmq instance.

Module doc

celery module

The configuration for running celery



Module contents