oct.core package

oct.core.exceptions module

exception oct.core.exceptions.FormNotFoundException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised in case of FormNotFound with browser

exception oct.core.exceptions.LinkNotFound

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised in case of link not found in current html document

exception oct.core.exceptions.NoFormWaiting

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised in case of action required form if no form selected

exception oct.core.exceptions.NoUrlOpen

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised in case of no url open but requested inside browser class

exception oct.core.exceptions.OctConfigurationError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Provide an oct configuration error

exception oct.core.exceptions.OctGenericException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Provide generic exception for reports

oct.core.generic module

class oct.core.generic.GenericTransaction(pathtoini, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Base class for Transaction, this class provides tools for simpler test writing

  • handle_robots (bool) – set if robots are handle or not
  • pathtoini (str) – the path to the ini file
  • timeout (int) – the timeout in second for static files requests
static csv_to_list(csv_file)

Take a csv file as parameter and read it. Return a list containing all lines

Parameters:csv_file (str) – the csv file to read
Returns:A list containing the lines
Return type:list
static get_random_csv(csv_list)

Simply return a random element from csv_list param

Parameters:csv_list – a list
Returns:random element from the csv_list

Run method will be call by multi-mechanize run function You must implement it


This method will be executed at the end of the run method, usefull if you need to close or clean some resources

oct.core.browser module